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Bethany will be collecting a Love Offering for Vernita and Dale Winebarger, whose house burned on Saturday.  You may bring love offerings on Easter Sunday, bring them by the church anytime, or donate online through our website, here (there's a new option in the drop-down menu for "Winebarger fire survivors").  Cash is preferred, but checks may be made to "Bethany Lutheran Church."  The first Love Offering will get to them quickly, but we will also leave the possibility for donation open for a few weeks.
Many conversations are happening across the community and at various local churches about ways to help this family, and efforts are being made to try to coordinate all of this.  Right now they simply don't have room for much, but when housing is found for them, we will let the community know what they need.
Thanks for supporting this family through this traumatic event.  Mostly they are so incredibly grateful to be alive.  They definitely saw the hand of God in how things fell into place to get them both out, and count it as a miracle.  They are so grateful for such a supportive community, and special thanks to our Meat Camp Volunteer Fire Department.