Holy Week
Journey with us through Holy Week as we commemorate the events from Jesus' last week - the events of our salvation.
Palm Sunday
- We will have Sunday School at 10am on Jesus' last days on earth.
- Worship will begin OUTSIDE at 11:00am (weather permitting) with a Procession of Palms and include Holy Communion and a Dramatic Reading of the Passion.
Maundy Thursday
- Join us at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall for a more intimate commemoration of Jesus' Last Supper as we share Communion around the Table.
- The service ends with a trip to the Sanctuary to observe the Stripping of the Altar, commemorating how Jesus was prepared for Crucifixion
Good Friday
- We will have a Tenebrae service on Good Friday at 7:00pm, which means "shadows" and involves slowly extinguishing light as we remember when the Light of the World breathed his last.
Easter Sunday
- There will NOT be a Sunrise service this year.
- 8:30am: Easter Breakfast (Sign-up sheet is in the Narthex. Come early to cook eggs. Bake biscuits at home.)
- Flower the Cross: anytime before 10 (We have a giant cross that we all bring flowers to decorate - do this before, during, or after Breakfast)
10:00am: (not 11:00!) Worship with Holy Communion
- Egg Hunt for young kids: after Worship